Welcome on webpages of kennel Re-Hla
From the first day I get the honour to meet a dog royalty and I have to deserve her trust, as the climber in the Tibetian Hymalayas. As longer I live with with Tibetan Mastiff the more I canťt go without her.
History of kennel Re-Hla
Our breeding station was registred in year 2007. Even if I attend to cynology long time ago. My starts are in 80years of the last century when my parents started to breed and train the dogs. My parents are a very successful breeders with an excelent results in breeding and training of the dogs. Also I became to have a dogs as a hobby – desire – and I love to continue in our family tradition – speciality on Tibetan Mastiff (Do-Khyi).
Already as a little boy I was taking part on all activities and issues around cynology – starts with the births and taking cares of puppy. As well I had active attend to sport breeding and participating on many cynological competitions. My first short steps in the dogs world were joined to little black schnauzers. When I grew up I discover an amazing breed – Neapolitan Mastiff and Pug – it was on the World exhibition in Brno, Czech Republic. I got a dog from both of this breeds and it was a wonderful part of my live to be with them. During this time I find out the beauty of mastiff character. Regading to my remove from Prague to a small village Lounin in Czech carst near by the Křivoklát woods and Karlštejn castle – to the Beroun´s bears country, I was looking for a breed which is an excelent companion and will go with me in any wetter for a walking and also can secure the family and properties of his lord.
In the year 2002 I recognize a nice, heavy and dignified breed – Tibetan mastiff. Tibetan mastiff fascinated me by its majesty and wonderful character. I started to active looking for my first Tebetan mastiff.
I saw a lot of exhibitions and visited a several breeders in Czech Republic and also abroad. My findings were that not each breeder is the right breeder and that not all imports from abroad are the right – I make decision to take a female dog from czech breeders – where are all generations and owners are well known.
01.03.2005 was a new member of our family born and from the first moment I could see how Bady (Badua Grags-pa) grew up and in. She became a founder of a new line Tibetan mastiff in Czech Republic not only for her unique sable colour but also because of her outdoor and temperament quality which I hope to keep and develop in the future and take a part of increasing the quality in the world breed of Tibetan mastiff.
You will find by us breeds female dogs from our raising, which are in direct line and you will have an opportunity to rewiev if breeding station Re-hla is walking the right way to achieve all goalsettings.
Best Regards,
René Hlavatý
Badua Grags-pa * 1.3.2005 Best Regards to all, my name is Bady, as my Lord name me like this, he is living in a big house in my garden and I see out him every morning and welcome him every evening when he comes back from the work. I am the most important member in his family. I have the best overview about all things they brushed around, who is coming home, what will be cooked and where is going out all of us Whole day and night I observe the wide surroundings, at once I know where is anybody walking and near by is a nice wood – so I am very busy. Every evening I yap at roes, I like my evenings talk with the foxs and wild pigs and at the early morning they come for visit the pheasants. Sometimes I greet the walking horses. I love gardening and there are some my trees in the garden they got my special attention – nice teeth cutting (my speciality). I hide some treasures – which I looking for once in a while. I help everywhere and everytime so my energy is worth. With my Lord I set up and take care for a vegetable garden – every year is better. I try to show him the best places for the right vegetable, he runs behind me with the shovel and gruber and starts to plant. Sometimes he just needs to slightly touch up it. I choose my lord and he is so nice to travel with me to all exhibitions so I can show him to all my friends, how lovely he is. I got a lot of exhibitions prices and because I can not find a place for all the cupfuls and esteems I gave up the active exhibitioning and just for fun I go sometimes to take a look on some special exhibition. Exhibition success: Grand Champion Czech Republic ARKA RE-HLA *13.2.2010 HI - here I am! My name is Arka. I was born in February to mum Bauda and my keeper felt in love with me from the first days. So he decided to keep me. I like to give him back at all my sweet troubles together with mum that he won´t regret this decision.
Time as a puppy was great. Mum Badua feeded us and took the control.
Our keepers coddled us in all sences. They weigth and measured us if we grow up correctly. The eating time was the best joy for me. I always eat up everything what I got and because it was so delicious I always took something from my brothers and sisters as well. This is something I keep till today.
When the time comes and my brothers and sisters need to leave for the new home I was sad. I like to come for a visit to them. From my mum I am learning all important things like get rest well, barking for Horses and Wildlife – here are a lot of red deers, foxes, pheasants and wild boarses, I have to guard carefully that all knows we are here two dogs here. I already guarding alone. Before my mum used to help me but now she comes only when noisy people comes near or they drive in the forest with the cars.
As my mum took care about the trees, I took care about the flowers. It is a job. I carefully watch my keepers and try to make the same afterwards – mostly I am replanting. Than I got compliments and schratches for well done job. It keeps me continuing in these rogueries.
I love to go for the trips. As I am not happy to be alone at home I am going with my keepers everywhere with the mum in the car. My mum went to sleep but I am taking the control if the keeper is driving the right way. Yes controls have to be made, you know people are doing mistakes. What if the keeper drives the wrong way, but fortunately he drives well so I do not need to lecture him.
Trips are perfect and I am looking forward to be in the mountains or beautiful places. Where I can run without the lead. Therefore I am attempting the dog training. I am very good there but for the exams I do not like the retrieving so much.
As my mum used take the keeper out for exhibitions, as well I taking him for exhibitions. I tried to be as well as good as my mum. It is great there. Everyone is looking at us and praises me how good I present my keeper. The keeper is very happy to get the awards for me. I am looking forward to meet you in our house or at exhibitions.
Now a days I woul like to gen my first puppies and if you are interest let me know I will tell you more. Looking foward to hear from you.
2xClub Champoin, Club Junior Šampión,
Czech Juniorchampion,
Champion Czech Republic , Slovak and Germany, Champión VDH,
4.place (fourth) World Dog Show 2006,
2xClub winner , club winner young 4xBOB, 10x CACIB, 12xCAC, 6xCAJC, 4x National winner, the Winner Slovak, the Winner in Leipzig 2006, theWinner in Leipzig 2007 ,The Best Tibetian Mastiff season
Tibetian Mastiff (Do Khyi), whos history begans 4000years ago.In Middle Assia in Tibet 3rd century B.C. were this huge dogs an old working breed of Chanell pinners Himalaya and becomes a traditional guad of monastery.Tibetian Mastiff were honour to Alexandr Makenodski for hounting the lions and elefants.
Quality from this dogs was highly respected from antique Romans. Mentioned from
Aristotels (384/ 322 B.C.) till the Marco Polos writing (who traveled in Asia in year 1271), all historical sources highly value the natural power and nobless from Do-Khyi – from mentally and physical aspect. Even what their barking was decribed as unique and high valued character to the breed. European signifikant cynologiest like Mrtin and Youatt, Megnin, Beckamann, Siber also Strebel and Bylandt were intesive in handle with Do-Khyi, because they were facinated by their history and funktion in
tibetian culture. Some of them though that Do-Khyi are primary predecessors of
all mountain dogs and mastiff dogs .
One of the firs Do-Khyi who came to the west coast, was a dog send in year 1847
Queen Victory by lord Harding (indic viceroy). Later in 80. years 19.century
took 2 dogs to England Edward VII., Prince of Wales. Firs registrated brood of
Do-Khyi was born 1898 in Berlins ZOO. In 70 years of 20 century import also the
actor Alan Delon from his visit in Tibet 2 of this dogs.
Nature and Development
Do-Khyi is a little introvert and seems very majestic, is inteligent and independent. It is a dog patrician.
Do-Khyi is the best protector and respects all commands. Do-Khyi is very teachable, able to master well the basic education, when you start at the right time. You can not expect the obedience as by the service breeds. Is very faithful to the family and its territory. When it meets from its firts moment other pets, it will protect them. It is very patient to the children, it is not offensive but even if we have to take look as the owner and parents for our kids that the the Do-Khyi is not hurtet. It does not look for conflicts and on the walks is troublefree. To strange people is demurely and if it is all in order, it will welcome the visit and will remember them for a long time. It could not be enchain or to be placed in pen-ful. You should look for other breed to like to keep the dog in the pen-full. Agressive bahavior is not suitable. An unfair punishment will hurt it very much. It forget not the good as well the bad things. All made by it is in calmness and after a forethought. It loves to be outside as well inside, but most the time by its owner. Likes free, to get the best view it looks for the uphill places. Spend the day usually at its favourite place, where it get the best overview about the whole territory. Could be the whole year outside, likes not much closed places. Loves walks and the offten and longer they are the more happy the Do-Khyi is.
The care about the coat is easy. It is enough once a week to brush up, only in spring time / time the lose it's coat / you need to brush up more often. When the Do-Khyi became wet, shurg it off and soon will become dry. Thanks the ingenious structure the water will not come to the skin. Curiosity of this breed is that it does not smell. Do-Khyi has not predisposion to illnesses. It is necessary to feed on with a high-quality nutriment. Do-Khyi is not a heavy eater regarding to the robustness the breed. Do-Khyi bitch ruts once a year / mostly in autumn.
In winter 2009 we are expecting pupies from the connection of two chamipions
Tibetean Mastiff. Both parents are very succesfull at exhibitions as well there
offer a gread ground to the behaviour and strong bodybuilding to
your future dogs friends.